On this page we list news and announcements about exhibitions, presentations, honours, and press coverage...

1 July 2010
Lost Values showcased at event in Glasgow
The work of Distance Lab spin-off company Lost Values was showcased at the Cryptic Nights event at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow, 1 July 2010. Lost Values melds craft with technology, inspiring a future where design is sustainable and emotional yet smart and playful. The company is an ethical design group interested in near-forgotten things - in traditions and rich, cultural expressions. Former Distance Lab senior research associate and founder of Lost Values, Elena Corchero, talked about her interests and demonstrated her work in the context of the latest developments at Distance Lab. The event was one for fans of fashion, design, craft, technology and quirky aesthetic.

4 June 2010
New HandMade recordings showcased in Inverness exhibition
Distance Lab worked with Hi-Arts to capture immersive audiovisual recordings of artists participating in the Making Progress mentoring and business support scheme for mid-career makers. The recordings were made using the Lab's HandMade system, a wearable device that captures what one does with their hands from a first-person perspective. In addition to high definition video, audio is recorded binaurally, resulting in an immersive effect when played back using headphones. The recordings were showcased in an exhibition entitled Made it! at the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery, 5 June - 31 July 2010.
Photos from the opening of the exhibition on 4 June 2010:

13 May 2010
Distance Lab creates tech innovations for GloNet at FutureEverything 2010
Distance Lab created two tech innovations to support GloNet, a Globally Networked Event that took place on 13 May at FutureEverything, an award-winning global festival of arts, music and ideas in Mancester. GloNet was a unique one-day distributed conference involving venues and audiences in five cities across the world: Sendai, Istanbul, São Paolo, Vancouver, and Manchester.
Distance Lab created an innovative system to support the formal sessions of GloNet so that presentations and performances in one venue could be seen and heard in all the others on a real-time, low-latency basis to support interactive Q&A and discussion between the venues. Distance Lab also produced a conventional live webcast of the event.
Articles about the event:
"A Virtual Conference Where the Future is Everything, Vancouver Hooks Up with Manchester and Sao Paulo, and Open Data Becomes Exciting", by Kat Braybrooke
"FutureEverything gathers technology's avant garde", by Zoe Kleinman
Distance Lab also unveiled a new project, developed in association with FutureEverything, that aimed to support informal social interaction and mingling over a distance between the connected locations. Unlike conventional videoconferencing systems, the Talking Boxes are simple, fun objects that aim to encourage spontaneity and chance encounters within the bustling social areas of events, businesses, schools and other establishments, where many relationships are initiated and developed.

19 March 2010
Stefan Agamanolis makes presentation in ElectroSmog festival
Distance Lab's Chief Executive and Research Director, Stefan Agamanolis, delivered a presentation in the ElectroSmog International Festival for Sustainable Immobility.
As the conference web site explains, "the exploration of Sustainable Immobility is a quest for a more sustainable lifestyle, which is less determined by speed and constant mobility - a lifestyle that celebrates stronger links to local cultures, while at the same time deepening our connections to others across any geographical divide, using new communication technologies instead of physical travel."
The ElectroSmog events took place at De Balie in Amsterdam but involved remote contributions from speakers from all over the world. Stefan's talk, delivered from Distance Lab in Forres, was part of a session entitled Deep local and remote technologies.
Distance Lab Research Associate Costas Bissas also unveiled a new work at the festival entitled LocalSoundScapes, a collection of geography-specific immersive audio recordings created from the activities and processes of local businesses and their surrounding natural environment.

12 February 2010
Distance Lab research featured at international conferences
Two Distance Lab researchers gave talks at major international conferences this week.
Andrea Taylor presented research undertaken by the Lab on the design of emergency medical alert pendants at eTELEMED 2010, the Second International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, held this year in St. Maarten in the Netherland Antilles. This was the second year that Distance Lab had a full paper accepted to this conference.
Costas Bissas gave a talk in ENTER 2010, a conference held in Lugano, Switzerland focussed on eTourism. Costas discussed the neuromantic project and Distance Lab's efforts to use design and digital media to promote rural development and to reinforce the identities of remote and rural areas.

11 February 2010
Mutsugoto featured at Science Gallery in Dublin
Distance Lab's Mutsugoto project was featured at Science Gallery in Dublin in an exhibition entitled Love Lab, 11 - 24 February 2010. As part of the exhibition, a connection was made with a Mutsugoto installation at Inspace in Edinburgh for use by real long distance couples between the two cities. The Edinburgh side of the installation was supported by New Media Scotland.
Video about the exhibition: Mutsugoto at LOVE LAB

21 January 2010
Costas Bissas makes presentation in Designing for Immobility conference
Distance Lab Researcher Associate, Costas Bissas, made a presentation for the Designing for Immobility conference held at De Balie in Amsterdam. The world-wide mobility explosion is an enormous challenge for designers, and the conference addressed the issue that current forms of continuous mobility are no longer ecologically sustainable. It asked if mobility should simply be made unaffordably expensive or can designers offer viable alternatives.
Like several other contributors (including John Thackara, director of Doors of Perception), Costas gave his talk over a videoconference link to the venue in Amsterdam.
Watch a video of the full event...
Read about the event on John Thackara's Doors of Perception blog: "Have I cracked the the telepresence conundrum?"

13 January 2010
Distance Lab exhibits at Digital Lounge event in Edinburgh
Distance Lab exhibited a number of its projects at the Digital Lounge event, mounted by the Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network and held at Inspace in Edinburgh. The event also featured products from Pufferfish and other innovative businesses in which knowledge transfer between academia and industry played an important role.

news and announcements from 2009 ...