NOTE: Distance Lab became part of the Glasgow School of Art Innovation School in October 2010.
This is a snapshot of the Lab's web site around July 2010 for historical reference.
Distance Lab


Copyright © Distance Lab Limited.
All rights reserved.

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Lost Values

Open Studio 001
Distance No Object

Saturday 2 June 2007 / 11 am - 3 pm
Horizon Scotland / Forres, Scotland
Free of charge

Interested in what's going on at Distance Lab? At our "Open Studio" events we show you how we're pushing the limits of technology and design to overcome the disadvantages of distance. We also expose you to some of the most innovative research ideas and personalities from other parts of the world.

Our first Open Studio event will include invited presentations by two cutting-edge researchers:

Dan Stiehl is a PhD candidate in the Robotic Life research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab in the USA. He will be talking about the Media Lab's "Huggable" project, a sophisticated robotic teddy bear intended as a platform for early language learning scenarios as well as tele-health applications for the young and old. He will also discuss current plans for Highlands & Islands companies and organisations to participate in the development of the Huggable in collaboration with Distance Lab. Dan holds dual Bachelors degrees in Brain and Cognitive Science and Mechanical Engineering, and a Masters in Media Arts and Sciences, all from MIT.

Elena Corchero is an experienced fashion and interaction designer with a background in fine arts. She will be presenting her latest work on how electronics and solar power technology can be incorporated into garments and fashion accessories in a delicate and appealing way. She will also talk about her work on "keepsakes of the future" started while she was a researcher at MIT's Media Lab Europe. There she created the "whiSpiral", a spiral-shaped shawl with integrated voice recorders that store audio messages from your friends. Elena is currently a Masters candidate in Textile Futures at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London.

Presentations and a light lunch will be followed by open studio time during which you can visit our lab space, check out our equipment, talk to our researchers, and see early project demonstrations.

This Distance Lab Open Studio event is part of the Six Cities Design Festival.

Presentation videos

Photos from the event